
Saturday Oct 22, 2016
25 Macrinus
Saturday Oct 22, 2016
Saturday Oct 22, 2016

He did what he had to do to survive... he killed an emperor. Good news: he got away with it! Bad news: he is now emperor. And there is an angry Parthian king wanting to know about this little invasion thing that happened a few weeks ago. And the family of the last emperor is not too pleased. And nor is the senate. Oh well, time to roll up those sleeves and tell the army that they are having a pay cut...

Saturday Oct 15, 2016
24 Caracalla
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Saturday Oct 15, 2016

Saturday Oct 15, 2016
23 Geta
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Saturday Oct 15, 2016

Severus is dead, and he leaves behind two sons to rule the empire. One problem... The brothers despise each other. We mean really, really hate each other. This is no only-talk-at-christmas-to-keep-mother-happy kind of fall out, this is full-on let's-hire-guards-to-watch-me-sleep-as-I-dont-think-i'll-wake-up-otherwise kind of hate. Let's see how they get on trying to run an empire...

Saturday Oct 08, 2016
22 Septimius Severus
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
In the year that held 5 possible emperors, only one would come out on top! Who would was anyone's guess... Well, sort of... No one expected Julianus to last. And Pertinax obviously was upsetting too many Praetorians. Oh, and Albinus clearly was not in a strong enough position without the backing of the German legions. And as for Niger, well he just needed to get a bloody move on! But still, the empire was up for grabs and one man saw a way to take it, re-mould it and hand it to the next generation with pride...

Saturday Oct 01, 2016
21 Didius Julianus
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
The emperor is dead! Long live...erm... anyone want the job? Didius Julianus is persuaded by his family and a couple of so-called friends to have a stab at the top job. Now everyone wants a stab at him. Poor Julianus. If only one of his 48 plans to survive actually worked...

Saturday Sep 24, 2016
20 Pertinax
Saturday Sep 24, 2016
Saturday Sep 24, 2016

Saturday Sep 17, 2016
19 Commodus
Saturday Sep 17, 2016
Saturday Sep 17, 2016
Marcus is dead, and now his son is in charge. That's right: Tin-hat wearing, Bat-poo crazy Commodus. How bad can this be?

Saturday Sep 10, 2016
18 Marcus Aurelius
Saturday Sep 10, 2016
Saturday Sep 10, 2016
Marcus Aurelius. He had a tough life what with everyone in the world dying around him. All he wanted to do was curl up with a good book, but fate had other things in store for him. Those things included him freezing in a tent surrounded by angry barbarians. Poor Marcus. But if there is one thing that Marcus knows how to do well, it’s DEALING WITH IT.

Sunday Sep 04, 2016
17 Lucius Verus
Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Hadrian wanted Marcus to rule. Antoninus Pius wanted Marcus to rule. The senate wanted Marcus to rule. Marcus wanted to read his books so asked his little brother for some help. Fortunately for the empire, Marcus' brother was Lucius Verus; a man who had great qualities such as loving drink, gambling, chariot racing and beating people up in taverns... oh... hang on... That's not a good sign is it?

Saturday Aug 27, 2016
16 Antoninus Pius
Saturday Aug 27, 2016
Saturday Aug 27, 2016
Antonius Pius ws well known for doing just about nothing for 23 years. Great for his subjects, less good for historians who want a juicy story. However, we dive into his life to see if there was anything of interest in his life. Find out: All bout the mythical talking dogs! How a bunch of students changed the course of history! Who build that ditch in Scotland! and much more!

Saturday Aug 13, 2016
15 Hadrian
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
Saturday Aug 13, 2016
The third of the Five Good Emperors, Hadrian is one of the most well known of all the emperors. Mainly due to a wall be probably never thought of again after ordering its construction. But what else does Hadrian have to offer? Was he all good? Why did he start a religion? Why did he grow a beard? Why was he angry when his doctor killed himself? So he built a wall. And he had a beard. But does he have... it?

Saturday Aug 06, 2016
14 Trajan
Saturday Aug 06, 2016
Saturday Aug 06, 2016
Long ago, a wise man said that the boundaries of the empire should remain static, that it was at it's largest extent. So wise was this man that his name became synonymous with the title of the Emperor. Augustus said it was so, so it was... Until Trajan thought - nah. Let's go and invade some people! Find out hoe Brian Blessed faired against the might of the Empire, How to kill someone with a polite horse and who discovered the tomato!

Saturday Jul 30, 2016
13 Nerva
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
Saturday Jul 30, 2016
The Senate finally get one of their men in! At long last the emperor is on the side of the group of old men in sheets rather than angry men with pointy things... nothing can go wrong... surely?

Saturday Jul 23, 2016
12 Domitian
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
The Flies! The Flies! Domitian had a number of problems growing up, mainly the fact that his family kept dying or ignoring him. He was the son to the most powerful man in the world, so why wasn’t ever allowed to do anything? It was just so unfair! Then, thanks to the untimely death of his brother he suddenly found him self in charge of the whole empire! The world was his! If only those pesky flies would stop bothering him…

Sunday Jul 17, 2016
11 Titus
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Vespasian is dead... Who could replace him? The Nero-esque son? surly not! Not with the mountains exploding and the cities burning and the plague plaguing. Will Titus be able to cope? find out in this weeks episode...

Saturday Jul 09, 2016
10 Vespasian
Saturday Jul 09, 2016
Saturday Jul 09, 2016
Father Flav. Founder of the Flavian Dynasty. He sat on the sides watching Rome rip itself apart and scooped in at the end to pick up the pieces. Does this make him a hero or a coward? Learn how he won a triumph T-shirt, how he could heal the blind by spitting on them and how he started train stations charging to go to the toilet...

Sunday Jul 03, 2016
09 Vitellius
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
The Roman world is in crisis. It needs a strong leader, someone to steady the ship, to allow people to retain their hope for the future... That man is on his way! Until he gets here however, we have this week's Emperor to get through. It's Vitellius. Liked by his troops if no one else, he was a man who knew how to party. He was a good friend of both Caligula and Nero... this is possibly all you need to know to guess how well his reign went.

Saturday Jun 25, 2016
08 Otho
Saturday Jun 25, 2016
Saturday Jun 25, 2016
Otho! He was a man with a dream, a simple dream... a dream to become the most powerful man in the world! Did he succeed? Or did a combination of sailors, traffic jams, moody guards and incompetent generals let him down? find out in this week's episode of Roman Emperors: Totals Rankium!

Friday Jun 17, 2016
07 Galba
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Friday Jun 17, 2016
Strict. If you were to choose one adjective from the multitude of adjectives available, strict would be the one that you would use (knowing full well that Gala would appreciate the subjunctive form). So what if he is the first of four emperors in 69CE? So what that he doesn't last long? Who cares if he is clearly a public school headmaster from 1950's England in disguise? All that needs to be answered is, does he have a certain Je Na Caesar? (and why, oh why, did he not just pay the bloody Praetorian Guard a damn bonus?)

Saturday Jun 11, 2016
06 Nero
Saturday Jun 11, 2016
Saturday Jun 11, 2016
The last of the Julii-Claudians; Nero is one of the most famous of all the emperors... But does he deserve to be so? He may have a coffee shop named after him, but does he have that certain something? Find out how well he knew his mother, how much he loved to sing, how many plots he had to kill people and how not to commit suicide.